Department "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" as independent department was founded in June 1974. The courses and research developments shaping current outlook and perimeter of activity of the department, originated from the distant 1945 and developed in unison with the development of the art and science of machine mechanics. Therefore, teaching and research in their current form are based on extensive experience and traditions. The first professor of first department discipline "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines" (TMM) was prof. Mihail Konstantinov (1954), who became the first head of the department at its creation. Therefore, legitimately founder of the department and teacher of scientists and teaching staff can be called the professor Konstantinov (1921 - 1991 AD). With discipline that have built and enormous creativity, prof. Konstantinov is a scientist of world renown and a great contribution to the development of TMM as a science.

         At present, the Department of TMM leads training in over 20 disciplines. The main purpose of teaching basic courses is to give students the necessary knowledge about the mechanical nature of the machines to make the transition from general engineering to design and technological knowledge. Discipline contribute to building engineering and technical culture of engineers for development of creative and inventive thinking in the construction and improvement of machinery and mechanical devices.

         Department TMM has tradition in training of PhD students, as for only the last five years the department has trained over 30 doctoral students in scientific disciplines "Theory of Machines and Mechanisms", "Dynamics, strength and reliability of machines, appliances, apparatus and systems" and "Automated information processing and management". With this activity, the department TMM takes the leading position in the training of graduate students not only in the Faculty of Industrial Technology (FIT), but also in TU.

         Vast and diverse is research works of the members of the department - publications in the country and abroad, participation in international projects, contracts with companies, patents and inventions, a large number of embedded industrial developments with great economic and social impact. Many teachers are involved as consultants in companies at industry. The participation of all teachers in research work enables continuous updating of curricula and quality assurance of the learning process.